Trees+ - Ecolibrium

ecolibrium’s Trees+ programme for the music industry provides events, artists, labels, suppliers and music companies with confidence to take action on travel impacts, the single largest source of emissions in the sector.


Members have access to information to support reductions in travel impacts:

  • Sustainable Travel Guide
  • Travel Log Tool & App
  • Advice on strategy and communications
  • Marketing support

Climate Investment

The Trees+ programme includes the option to mitigate the impacts of unavoidable travel CO2e emissions by investing in climate solutions with social benefits that go beyond ‘balancing’ and ‘offsetting’ in line with current UN approaches.

Every tonne of CO2e balanced by the Trees+ programme includes:

  1. OFFSETTING: Balancing carbon emissions through verified projects: UK government approved Woodland Carbon Code for projects in the UK, Verified Carbon Standard or REDD+ standard for projects worldwide.
  2. PROTECTION: Protecting areas of threatened rainforest – reducing deforestation and protecting biodiversity
  3. REGENERATION: Social & environmental regeneration through tree planting, sustainable farming, forestry protection and local governance in parts of the world most at risk from climate change.

All clients are provided with a member logo, and support to communicate a strong story about your actions.

How Climate Investment Works

ecolibrium helps you calculate the tonnes of CO2e emitted using the Travel Carbon Calculator and associated tools. Investment with Trees+ is based on £25 per tonne of CO2e.

The £25 is split into 3 investments with our established partners, and an administration cost as follows:

Project partners are reviewed annually, and tailored solutions are available. The cost per tonne of CO2 may vary from year to year depending on the availability of projects. Find out more about our Trees+ project partners HERE.

Governance and impact

Reputation and integrity for ecolibrium and all of our members is vital. Equally important is our confidence in the impact of the climate investments we make together. We achieve this in the following ways:

  • We are a UK registered charity with exceptional governance standards
  • A strong, clear and transparent methodology and rationale for everything we do
  • In-depth due diligence in place for all partners, available to clients
  • Carbon balancing and offsetting will be reported in accordance to the UK Government Woodland Carbon Code for UK projects and through Verified Carbon Standard and / or REDD+ for global projects
  • All projects will be required to report on the activity/ impact of donations made
  • Annual Report available from 2021 onwards.