ecolibrium community gathering, 31 Jan 2024

ecolibrium invite festival and outdoor event organisers to join a gathering of members, team, trustees, and environmental restoration partners to celebrate ecolibrium members’ investment in climate and ongoing commitment to moving low-carbon travel to the heart of live events culture. The event will take place on the 31st January, 17:00-19:00, at The Artist’s Residence, Bristol

The gathering is planned for the evening before The Association of Independent Festivals Congress (1st Feb 2024) to allow more of our members to combine their travel for the events.

Join us on the 31st Jan to learn about:  

➡ Our plans for the biggest industry-wide survey of crew and supplier travel yet, in collaboration with Ticketsellers & Eventree. 
➡ ecolibrium’s NEW best practice approach to tackling travel emissions 
➡ Our climate action partners’ positive impacts: with a chance to meet the people behind the projects hear about their work, and the impact of your donations, first-hand
➡ The total investment in climate since ecolibrium was founded in 2015 – plus awards for our members’ 2023 contributions and how we’ll share this news with the event industry and event audiences. 

PLEASE RSVP by the 12th January