Tackling Travel Impacts - Ecolibrium

ecolibrium is a live events industry response to the climate crisis – uniting a community of events, festivals, suppliers, artists and music companies in environmental restoration by moving climate action & low-carbon travel into the heart of live events culture.

  • Watch our 2023 video

  • Watch our 2023 video

Our Impact

65886 Trees Planted
21722 Acres Rainforest Protected
10 Renewable Energy Projects
45301385 Travel Miles Balanced
  • Travel is the largest source of emissions from live events

  • ecolibrium works with events, organisations and artists across the sector to tackle the environmental impacts of travel

    Take Action
  • We provide resources, tools, advice and inspiration to reduce travel emissions

  • We unite events in environmental restoration, investing in climate solutions through our Trees+ and Energy Revolution Programmes

  • We support our members to use their collective voice to accelerate climate action and the move to low carbon travel

  • We have worked with over 150 members to balance the carbon emissions from over 32 million travel miles.